Graph Neural Network

The goal of this project is to develope a model that learns to map from parcel geometry to building footprint geometry

Graph Net-based Recommender Systems & Success of Graph Nets in drug development domain


1. Originally designed for machine translation, but tons of state-of-the-art use cases even beyond NLP (e.g. vision transformers)

2. Excel at sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) learning, and have largely replaced RNNs/LSTM for this use case

3. Transformers are attentional graph neural networks on a fully connected graph

4. Example: Transformer on SMILES for molecular drug discovery "SMILES expresses the structure of a given molecule in the form of an ASCII string” Train a seq2seq auto-encoder. Then use to generate new molecules.

Building footprint generation as seq2seq

String representation of geometries

1. Parcel: POLYGON ((102 14, 80 11, 37 0, 0 114, 89 127, 102 14))

2. Building: POLYGON ((94 34, 38 22, 25 85, 80 96, 94 34))


Numerical encoding of parcels and buildings

1. Parcel: 000000000049183053183005

2. Building: 032009032039065039065009

Encoded CMAP parcel geometries and building footprint geometries. Selected 41000 simple single-family building examples for initial prototype. 90% for train, 10% for test.

Transformer model to map parcel geometry to building geometry

Numeric representation of parcel geometry as a sequence of tokens

Convert the sequence of tokens to a one-hot integer representation

Encoder: Encode the discrete representation of a geometry into a real-valued continuous vector

Decoder: Convert continuous vector back to discrete geometry representation of the building geometry


Transformers are GNNs on a fully connected graph


Transformers Test Examples


Why this is Interseting?

1. Can generate geometries of arbitrary length (as input and output). So should be able to handle e.g. complex multi-building footprints and very weird parcel shapes.

2. Use as input to other differentiable models. E.g. train a model of energy efficiency on the transformer latents. Then backprop from the energy efficiency model back to the latents to do “inverse design” of energy-efficient buildings.

3. Is differentiable and can connect to other differentiable models

4. Heuristic/combinatorially-optimized model -> Model learned from data

5. Connect with other differentiable models GNN -> Buildformer: Generated building as a function of GNN embeddings for each submarket, as well as site characteristics (allowable height, number of structures, which side is frontage, estimated profitability, year built)