Master of Science in Information Technology || Master of Science in Architecture ||
University of North Carolina, Charlotte- Graduation Fall-2022
Bachelor of Architecture
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology,India - 2013- 2018
Adobe Creative Suite || Sketch || Adobe XD || FIGMA || RHINO-Python || Grasshopper || Revit || SketchUp || AutoCAD
JavaScript || Python || HTML/CSS | Node.JS | React.JS |
Physical Computing:
Arduino (ESP-32,MKR-1400) | Raspberry Pi
NodeJS | Express | Socket IO | Cloud MQTT
MongoDB | SQL (Postgres)
General Dev:
UrbanSim Inc. - Machine Learning & Computational Design Intern
Worked on a Machine Learning Model using Graph Neural Network (GNN) that learns from Urban Parcel geometry, predicts place types(for e.g- Residential, Commercial, Industrial, etc.), and also predicts building footprint geometry.
Worked on Machine Learning algorithm using Graph Neural Network(GNN) to capture Growth/Decline of population, income, and household for a given region over a period of time.
Developed a number of Python-based rest api clients in response to customer requests.
Urban Synergetics Lab & DArts - Research Assistant(University of North Carolina, Charlotte, January 2021-Present)
Working on the Airpurification system with the help of Microcontrollers(RaspberryPi) and Machine-Learning
Worked on a competition organized by Wells Fargo for Determining Transaction Categories Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
Developed an application for Exploratory data Analysis of Social Media Data and a data Pipeline for exploratory Data Analysis that helps Data Analysts and Social Scientists to understand social media data.
Worked on Fabrication & development of a Platform for cyberphysical interaction between humans. Designed and developed a cellular IoT Platform for Cyber-Physical Interaction between humans using Node.Js, SocketIO, ESP-32 and Pneumatics Structures.
Working on analyzing the relationship between the Cost and performace of shared Mobility Systems.
HCP Design, Planning and Management Pvt. Ltd. - Architect(Ahmedabad,India, March 2019- December 2020)
Worked on the Street Development Project, which primarily includes development of the streets without the so as to have minimal impact on the surrounding landscape and increasing the Pedestrain safety. Worked on Development of Central Vista Avenue, which includes developing publicly accessible museums ,Creating a new common Central Secretariat to house all ministries, a new Parliament building near the present one with increased seating capacity.
Most Relevant and Impactful Work
1. Developed an application for Exploratory data Analysis of Social Media Data and a data Pipeline for exploratory Data Analysis that helps Data Analysts and Social Scientists to understand social media data.
2. Worked on the Generative Adversarial Network Plan using Python, Applied Machine Learning for Floor plan Generation.
3. Working on the Airpurification system using Machine-Learning(Decision Tree Model) and Microcontrollers(RespberryPi).
4. Worked on the development of a Platform for cyber-physical interaction between humans using ScoketIo, Javascript, Node. JS.
5. Worked on exploratory data analysis of Impact of Covid-19 on Bike-Sharing system on four different cities across North America.
6. Developed Rhino-Python Library for data-based Visualization, digital illustrations & bringing data into Rhino-medium.
7. UX Design Research for On-Demand Bike Sharing Application.
8. UX Research for new age digital-contents and methodologies for the improvement of the interaction of peoples with NETFLIX, HULU, AMAZON-PRIME.
9. UX Design Research for Urban City Explorer, based on one’s personal experience gained by other people can also play a major role in collecting data. Urban trails use this principle to give a great user experience in terms of experience.
10. Full-stack website developed as part of the final project for network-based application development class at UNC Charlotte. Front-end was developed using EJS and MVC pattern to provide dynamic content update fetched from the database. The back end was developed using node js, express, and mongo DB.
11. Worked on Twitter data analysis as a part of Machine Learning Project. Concept such as Data Preprocessing, Splitting our data into Train and Test Subset ,Transforming Dataset using TF-IDF Vectorizer ,Function for Model Evaluation ,Model Building for Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modelling, Named-Entity-Recognition & Geo-Coding of Tweets were done as a part of the Project.
Quantifiable Achievements
1. Research and Tuition Assistanship from School of Architecture, University of North Carolina at Charlotte-January 2021-till Date
2. Innovation Award for my project on Post-Disaster Shelter by IIEST Shibpur-2019.
3. First position in my class for Architecture Thesis for the year 2018.
4. National Finalists (Top 8) Saint-Gobain Research Scholarship 2017-18.
5. National Finalists Re-imagining streets as public Spaces(Pune Biennale Foundation 2016).
6. Second Place for Delhi Community Toilet Design For JJ Bastis for Delhi Development Authority ( Govt. of INDIA).
7. Second Place for Landscape Trophy,International Competition (Delhi Architecture Festival-2016-17).