Re-Development of College Street, Kolkata

Kolkata, once the capital city of India British Rule,has fore-ever been the breeding ground of intellectuals. Every nook and corner in the city has history, a story that it conveys to the popolan e. Unscathed by the passage of time, perhaps no other locality screams out it's heritage than College street the meeting ground of the bright minds in the city. The aim and purpose of the desing project was to instil and breathing space into the congested area, thus creating a lively space for cultural and commercial activities, all the while keeping the rich colonial heritage of the area intact.

Linkages Principles

I was involed in detail design and resolving the construction details for the project.


Vision for the Project


Design Proposal

Proposed Plan for the Street


Proposed Networks





While I was in my 7th semester, I participated in a design competition organised by Delhi Architecture Festival. It was the first time I experienced a design Problem in Urban Scale. Cities have always fascinated me, how it transforms with time and moment. The main idea was not to transform the neighbourhood but the usage of the same. Cities in India lack a green space, under the pressure of development. Therefore the first priority was to make a space for relaxation and communication. Studies from abroad, such as the highline in Manhattan widened my vision to this project. I enjoyed a lot working in this projct and learning my city fabric.