Mobility On Demand Bike Share App

Need Findind Study and Survey

I took to social media and Google Forms to solicit qualitative and quantitative data from potential users of the app and bike share service. I created a survey and disseminated it amongst a platform of users most likely to use the service. Over 100 responses were received.

Have you Ever Used Bike share or Renttal service before?

Do you prefer to ride a bike alone or with other people(family members, frineds etc.)?


If you received an incentive, or some type of reward for riding your bike at work or would you ride more often?

Do you prefer riding a bike on the city streets or out on a trail?


Qualitative Research

There were also questions in the survey that helped me see preferences people have from a qualitative standpoint. An interesting piece of information I received at this stage was hearing people say they wouldn’t use a bike share service because they work night shifts

What do people love about riding their bike?

1. Being outdoors
2. Getting Exercise
3. Efficiency
4. Fun & Freedom

What is their favourite part about riding a bike?

1. Soreness/fatigue
2. Cars/Drivers
3. Going Uphill
4. Maintenance

User Story Board


Low Fedility Prototyping

Getting my ideas out through sketching. I used the paper drawings of different screen, and only spend 1 minute on each of the ideas for each of the screen.


User Interface Design and Development

I used vibrant colors and smooth gradients to give the interface a clean look with ample white space and easy-to-navigate sections.


Conclusion and Application Ride sharing App

At the end product I’m proud of. I’ve learned a couple of things:
First, when presenting your designs, people want to see how you think, not necessarily just design work. It may be pretty and draw out the “ooohs” and “aaahs” from your audience, but does it solve the goals and needs of your users?
Second, if you lose sight of your users, you’ve missed the point — that’s why I went out and rode the bikes with them and talked with them.

I had designed an app that was more focused on users flexibility of use. I had designed an app that encouraged peoples to get out and ride. I had designed an app that used cutting edge tech, like Bluetooth, QR codes, Apple Watches, etc.