VisualAnalytics Dashboard

Analyzing the City of Charlotte's "Service Requests 311" Dataset and US Census Demographic Data for Mecklenburg County

This project was developed as a part of Visual Analytics course-DSBA:5122

Problem Domain

There has been significant interest in recent years in issues surrounding equitable policing. However, considerably less attention has been paid to the equitable distribution of other local government services, such as sidewalk improvements or garbage collection.
This dashboard is intended to help local policymakers analyze the requests to Charlotte’s 311 service in conjunction with demographic data for Mecklenburg County. The goal is to enable them to discover inconsistencies in how city services are requested based on the population, ethnicity, and other characteristics of the neighbourhood from where the service requests are made.

Service Requests 311 dataset

Source: City of Charlotte

Demographic data for Mecklenburg County

Source: US Census Bureau

Define Data and Tasks


Service Requests + Demographics

Now we can ask questions about the relationship between the number and type of service requests from each tract and the number and type of people living there:

1.How many service requests are filed per person for each tract in Mecklenburg County in an average year?

2. What types of service requests are more likely to be submitted in low-income tracts than in high-income ones?

3. Are certain types of services requested more often in tracts with lower rates of homeownership?

4. Does the average number of people per household in a neighborhood affect the types of service requests likely to be submitted from that neighborhood?